2 Dec 2008

The Taj Treasures

Estimated Cost of restoration is pitched at INR500cr
The loss of art and antiques at INR 1000cr

_ the Dome stands proud despite damages

_ poolside is gone
and 4th & 5th floor
6th floor hosted luxury suites was the terror HQs ,
the 6th floor is where the Hotel GM's Family- wife and two young boys, journalist Sabina Saikia and others died in the fire

_Wasabi restaurant gone
this alone requires INR5cr to be re-built

the cantilever staircase

what has gone is the multi-layered timber balconies, modelled after the Maharashtrian baras. The workers dont exist any more according to Abha Narain Lambah, hertiage conservationist.

When originally built JN Tata himself traveled to Europe to collect artifacts - Electrical fittings, elevators, Belgian chandeliers, Victorian furniture, etc.

The Taj Mahal Hotel is listed as Grade 2-a site by the Heritage Regulations for Greater Mumbai, 1995 - this means that the exteriors can not be changed/altered.

Thank you God the structure is still there ....lets help in building it

the above pictures are from here
and other online sites
most info gathered from Mail today 2nd December 2008 - Terror ravages the Taj treasure trove by Sourish Bhattacharya


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