24 Nov 2008

more bookaroo & anandgram

@ the amphitheatre
children entertaining ---- badshaah

the Aiynaar Bulls
girls imitating the Aiynaar bulls

coloring their picture posr Pchak Pchak! (in the textile museum)

This is what i loved about the whole festival - all the children and youngsters are in the major cultural hotspot, happily oblivious of the fantastic surrounding doing their own thing.
And yet absorbing every bit of information- once they were done coloring the girls had a field time discovering peacocks, parrots, cows, tigers, deers, etc. within the textile collection
or at the terracotta museums so amused and completely taken in by the "! winged fairy horse" and the "dancing peacocks" and the well ugly air filled tiger uncle (photos in the previous post)

Initially I was quite amazed that Anandgram offered to host soooooooo many children and curious parents - well worth it
Its amazing how the children fill up the space with fun and laughter.
This is cultural sensitisation - a fun way to connect.

thorny semal tree - "why does it have thorns masi?"


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