22 Dec 2012

Kullu Naati @ Winter Weaves, Dastkar

Winter Weaves
at Kissan Haat, Andheria Morh 
20 - 25 December 2012

Winter Weaves has a special focus on winter textiles - silk, wool, "what-can-I-say-so-beautiful" Pashmina from Ladhak, new styles from Kutch, woollen from Uttrakhand, 
the Kullu dance 

Kulluvi Nati is the traditional folk dance of the Kullu Region in Himachal Pradesh
A high energy performance, beautiful smiling faces, graceful soft body language 

accompanied music 
Narsingha in brass with relief patterns
Nagada's stringing create tessellations 

WIND instruments 
Narsingha  - the long pipe/ bass sound 

Nagada is the flat based drum 
& Dhol the popular Punjabi/north Indian beat drum

as Laila observed that designers could learn a bit about how cleverly the pattu (woollen shawl) is draped by the women dancers

Pattu is a generic garment worn through out North, West India - Himachal, Western Rajasthan, etc. 

women drape a single Pattu, the silver neck piece doubles up as a clasp to hold the garment
men wear finely pleated skirt style kurta